Product description

1. COS (Cylindrical shell Oil Seal) type
2. The COS Type storage tank adopts the advantages of M.A.N Type and Klonne Type. The internal airtight oil seal for M.A.N Type, rubber material for Klonne Type, round-arched piston shape, and cylindrical shell are used to develop a new gas storage tank with cylindrical shell and oil seal.

Product specifications

The capacity of the storage tank is 100 thousand kL, the height is about 95 meters and the diameter is roughly 43 meters.

Product functions

It is necessary to build large storage tank of blast furnace gas in the steel mill. The blast furnace gas buffers in a short time. The storage tank is primarily used to solve this problem. Therefore, the emission of combustion gas is reduced, the pressure of piping system is stabilized and the secondary energy is conserved. If the blast furnace gas (BFG) is excessive, the extra gas is stored in the storage tank. If the gas is insufficient, the volume of the gas needed is released from the storage tank for supplement. The pressure in the pipeline system of gas is frequently volatile. The gas released stabilizes the pressure. It is a way to regulate the pipeline pressure and the blast furnace gas can be fully recovered. Massive emission of fuel gas can be avoided.
