China Steel Dust Collector DC-16
China Steel Dust Collector DC-16
China Steel Dust Collector DC-18A
China Steel Dust Collector DC-18A
China Steel Dust Collector DC-18A
China Steel Dust Collector DC-18A
China Steel Dust Collector DC-102A
China Steel Dust Collector DC-102A
Dragon Steel Dust Collector DC-A17
Dragon Steel Dust Collector DC-A17
Product description

With its experience and ability to assist in planning the best pollution prevention plan, from the design of dust collectors to the use of high-efficiency fans, to achieve the goal of "lowest power consumption and best dust removal efficiency;" pollution sources are equipped with high-efficiency dust collectors to collect dust. Reducing dust emissions can greatly improve the working environment and protect the health of workers. It is the specific realization of the pursuit to reduce air pollution. CSMC continues to work hard for environmental protection and sustainable industrial development.

Project performance

China Steel Machinery Corporation (CSMC) has accumulated more than 40 sets of dust collector EPC turnkey performance in steel industries and power plants. With its excellent dust collection performance, deeply affirmed by the customers!

Product functions

Collecting dust to achieve dust removal and reduce air pollution, in order to comply with environmental protection regulated emission standards.
