Train 2022 is reaching its destination〰
Thanks to all the CSMC employees and supporting partners
Thank God as well🙏
For helping us smoothly surviving this highly challenging year🍎

In under water foundation, CSMC smoothly accomplished the mission assigned by the Group👌🏻
TP number 11 is about to be completed‼️
Actual undertaking grew 36% compared to the original✨
A mission impossible accomplished as well⭐️
Assisted fellow tender to accomplish thermal modification and processing🛠️
Ensured successful delivery of locally-made underwater foundations

Constructions inside and outside the Group➰
Are generally short of workers👥
March towards targets via Rolling Wave Planning😃
Mechatronics also strengthens towards EPCC😎
Aggressively introduced smart manufacturing for gaining competitiveness👍🏻
Factories thrive day by day✌🏻 Large scale castings accomplish consecutively

2023 will be a more challenging year🚴‍
with 2022 as the base👣
Yes, we can make it❤️
